Covington Wood Fences
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Trusted and Reliable Covington Wood Fences Installation and Repair Services

Wooden Fences in Covington Residents of Covington Louisiana take pride in their well-manicured lawns and gardens. One popular way to keep everything looking neat and tidy is by installing a wooden fence.

Wooden fences come in many different styles and can be tailored to fit any budget. They provide privacy and security, and can also enhance the appearance of your home or property.

If you’re considering installing a wooden fence in Covington Louisiana, here are some things to keep in mind.

Get Your Very Own Wooden Fence Installed Today!

Wooden fences are a great way to improve the security of your home while adding a touch of elegance. They are also functional, helping to keep small children and pets from wandering off the property.

Our experienced professionals at Big Easy Fence can have your new fence installed in no time, and we offer a wide range of styles and colors to choose from. Call us today to get started!

How Much Does it Cost to Have a Wooden Fence Installed?

The average cost to have a wooden fence installed is between $5,793 and $6,697. The total price of an installation, however, will vary depending on the materials used in the wood fencing and the size of the area being fenced off. You can expect to pay between $1,300 and $1400 for glass block fencing or between $3,400 and $4,000 for ironwood fencing.

The cost of your new fence will depend on the height of the fence you select, whether it is custom-made to fit your yard specifically if the posts are buried into concrete, how long it will take to install, and what type of woods you choose.

How Long Does it Take For Wooden Fences to Be Installed?

Generally, the amount of time it takes for wooden fences to be installed depends on the size and number of panels that are being constructed.

For example, if you want a 4′ tall wood picket fence with 8′ tall wall height fencing material it will take longer than having a 6′ tall privacy fence installed due to how much work is required.

It typically takes a day or two for wooden fence installation to take place depending on the job.

Are Wooden Fences Worth It?

Wooden Fence Is it really worth spending the time, effort, and money to install a wooden fence? The answer is most definitely “yes” for any homeowner who wants more privacy.

Not only are they beautiful to look at but they serve many practical purposes as well. The most obvious advantage of a wood fence is the privacy they provide.

They are ideal for separating one yard from another. A wooden fence can also be used to hide unattractive utilities such as trash bins or recycling containers, while at the same time adding to the overall look and feel of your property.

Types Of Wood Fences

Wood fences come in a variety of types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most popular types include picket fences, rail fences, and privacy fencing.

Some of the most popular types include picket fences, rail fences, and privacy fencing.

  • Picket Fences – Picket is probably the most well-known type of wood fence. They are typically made from either cedar or pine and are designed to keep people and animals on your property while still allowing air and light to pass through.
  • Rail fences – These types of fences are perfect for keeping large areas such as pastures or fields enclosed. They are made from long pieces of lumber that are connected together to form a fence. This type of fence is also very easy to repair if it is damaged.
  • Privacy fences ideal for homeowners who want to keep their property private. These fences are perfect for those who enjoy a secluded home. They come in many styles and height options.

Most homeowners find that rail line deck or picket fence makes the best wood fences because they allow air and light to travel through them, while still providing enough privacy to be able to relax on your property without feeling as if you’re being watched by your neighbors.

Rail fences are mostly used as a border fences to mark the boundaries of properties. Their popularity may be traced to the fact that they can also make a great backdrop for flower beds or children’s play areas.

Rail fencing is usually made of wood and consists of vertical pickets 5 to 8 inches apart, with one horizontal rail on top. Wood rail fences are usually constructed with cedar or redwood, which will retain their color for years.

Picket fencing is the most traditional type of fence that homeowners install around their homes.

How Long Do Wooden Fences Last?

Covington Wooden FencesWooden fences are popular because they offer a natural look and feel to a property.

They can also be stained or painted to match the home’s exterior.

Wooden fences typically last from 10 to 15 years, but with proper care, they can last up to 20 years.

Most homeowners are pleased with their wooden fence because it provides several advantages including privacy, security, and good looks.

Wooden fences are very easy to care for. Some homeowners even find that they are low maintenance.

Some homeowners choose to take their wooden fence down due to the damage it has sustained over time, while others might simply desire a change of scenery and choose to install a new type of high-quality wood fence.

Wooden fences can be stained or painted to match the exterior of your home. If you maintain the fence on a consistent basis, it should last 10 to 15 years.

Here are a few tips on how to maintain your fence:

  • Double-check the fence post for rot or damage before starting any project. Remove dirt from around all posts and inspect them closely.
  • Paint over the old stains using paint made specifically to refresh wood fences. Do this at least twice, allowing it to dry in between coats for maximum protection against moisture-related decay.
  • Keep mulch away from the fence posts to avoid moisture damage.
  • Trim tall grass and vegetation near the fence borders to allow water to get through easily, but do not trim so much that you are cutting into the bark of the wood fence posts.

If your wooden fence is more than 15 years old, there’s a good chance that it is rotting or damaged in some way. If you are not able to restore the fence yourself, visit your local home improvement store or contact us for professional advice on how to fix your fence.

Best Type Of Wood For Fences In Covington

There are many types of wood that can be used for fences in Covington, but not all woods are created equal. Certain woods are better suited for certain climates and environments than others. Here is a list of the best type of wood for fences in Covington.


Cypress Wood Fences

Cypress is the most common type of wood used for fences in Covington. It’s naturally rot-resistant, insect-proof, and requires few maintenances than other types of wood. The grain pattern of cypress makes it very easy to clean with soap and water without leaving any residue or damaging the grain. Cypress is also very durable and holds up well to the harsh Covington water.

Cedar Wood Fences

Cedarwood fences are naturally resistant to rot, insects, and decay. Another benefit of cedar is that it requires little upkeep because the outer layers of this wood would have been naturally weathered by sun and rain. The grain pattern of cedar is also very aesthetically pleasing and it can be easily stained to any color by most homeowners.

Redwood Wood Fences

Redwood wood fences are another popular choice for Covington homes because it has a distinct grain pattern that is appealing and beautiful, especially when stained. Redwood doesn’t require much upkeep because the trunk of the tree is naturally resistant to decay and rot.

Hem-Fir Wood Fences

The hemlock family includes several varieties of fir with varying degrees of hardness and strength, but all members of the family are resistant to insects and rot without treatment. Hemlock trees grow pretty fast and it doesn’t develop unsightly knotholes like other types of wood. Hemlock is also a popular choice for fencing because it’s extremely inexpensive and readily available.

The Best And Most Affordable Fence Services in Covington Louisana

Wood fences offer homeowners a way of beautifying their homes as well as making them safer. In Covington, people would want to find the best wood fence and material costs possible for their home.

This is where Big Easy Fence comes in. We have been serving those looking for superior quality and beauty from their fence installation services for many years. You can expect us to supply you with the best wood fences in Covington.

Our aluminum, wood, vinyl, and chain-link fences are handcrafted by professionals, meaning they will be of superior quality to those you would find elsewhere.

Call us today if you want or need to use our fence repairs and installation service!